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Our Goals Towards Intentional Living

Our family is striving towards Intentional Living and forming a self sustaining community

Attaining our goals of creating an intentional community will not be quick nor will it be easy. From finding the right property for the right price to preparing to make our big move, everything will take thourough research and careful planning.


First we have begun to search for suitable land and so far have a few in mind. But first we had to decide where to start and for us Price was first. No sense finding a property out of our price range. Then was do we want forrested or cleared land. Land with structures or completely empty. Finally Location, we personally want to move up north. We wanted semi cleared land so that on top of having to plant we didn't have to clear land as well. And while we would love to build our own home eventually, having a pre existing structure would be best for us having 2 small children.


Whilst looking for properties we began to use social media to find groups about this type of living for outside ideas and advice. As well as to possibly find like mined people interested in joining us.



With beginning to search for people we had to ask ourselves first: are we the kind of people others would want to live and work with? Of course we want to say yes but realistically we had to ask ourselves first how can we contribute? Well I am an avid gardener and can sew and chrochet usefull skills I think. And my husband can hunt and fish and is a good laborer. Our goals for the population of our commuity are to gather people with useful and diverse skills from animal husbandry to metal smithing and even midwifery. 


Overall our goal is to have a tight knit community work, live, and enjoy lfe with. 

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